United International Degree College



Clubs at a college are tuned to help students get most out of their experience while they are enrolled at the college for their academic pursuits. These clubs offer limitless opportunities for student leadership and participation beyond classroom setup and academic programme. They provide a great platform to usher-in the distinctive perspectives and life experiences that all students bring to the college. They indeed help in students’ transformation and holistic development in a big way. So it is that these clubs are especially aimed at helping students to get involved and find their own niche on their college campus.

The Entrepreneurship Club at UIDC functions under the name “MANAO” which means “To Make” in the Malagasy Language. This name was chosen to bring out the true meaning of an Entrepreneur, whose prime purpose is to make a change with their unique business.


Objectives of the club

  • To impart skills for development and enhancement of personality of students.
  • To help students to turn their ideas and passions into businesses that will help to develop future business leaders.
  • The club aims to provide guidance to aspiring young students to pursue their business ownership dream at undergraduate level.

Activities Of Club

  • Best manager competition.
  • Business plan making.
  • Entrepreneurship Week.
  • Advertisement creation competition.

Our Programs

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